You may want to send messages to several people on your contact list but don’t want to type several times when you can send your message to several people. If you wish to achieve that, this guide has explained the steps. The guide has explained how to create a creative Christmas greeting and send it on WhatsApp.

What Should Christmas Greetings Have?

When sending a Christmas greeting, you want to send a message that conveys the intentions. Many people create Christmas messages, but when you take a message you received and forward it to others, people ignore it. Thus, a creative Christmas greeting must contain the following elements:

Be Tailored for a Given Individual

When sending a greeting, you must make it for a given individual. When people receive a message, they want to feel it was for them and not for a crowd. Thus, it is a good habit to tailor it to a given individual. Mentioning someone’s name is good to make a message look personal. When you do so, it is easy for the receiver to send a response.

Keep It Short

Most people don’t like reading long messages. Thus, you must ensure your message is short and straight to the point, so the receiver will not just open and ignore it for being too long.

How To Send Christmas Greetings on WhatsApp

Sending Christmas greetings through WhatsApp is easy, provided you have saved the receiver’s contact on your device. The following are the various ways of sending Christmas greetings using WhatsApp.

Send Christmas Greetings on WhatsApp to a Single Person

It is easy to send greetings to a single person, as shown in this section. But, before you start the procedure, you must ensure your Christmas greeting message is tailored for that person and short. If you have a conversation with that person, there is no need to search using the above steps. Open the conversation, create a Christmas greeting and tap the “Send” button.

Send Christmas Greetings on WhatsApp to Several Contacts

You can send Christmas greetings to several people simultaneously without creating a WhatsApp group. This has been made possible using the New Broadcast feature, which allows you to select all the contact, create your message and send it private simultaneously. All the people you selected will receive the Christmas greeting without being added to a WhatsApp group.


Sending a Christmas greeting is a good way of wishing your friends well when you missed the opportunity to get together. The post has explained the elements of your Christmas greeting and how you can send the greeting to a single person or several contacts on WhatsApp.

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